Note: Work in progress
This page showcases diagrams relating to model entity relationship conventions. All diagrams on this page are not final; they are presented to aid discussion on establishing the best modelling convention.ALL DIAGRAMS ON THIS PAGE ARE WIP
Metering Hierarchy
Current state
The Brick ontology does not set out a clear way on modelling sub-meter relationships and meter load relationships. Currently, people tend to default to representing these relationships with the standard relationship given by Brick: feeds.
While this approach provides a simple way to connect entities, it does not feel like the appropriate solution for the following reasons:
- brick:feeds is generally targeted at capturing the flow of some physical media [1]
- Following from above, meters generally do not 'feed' physical media to another entity (e.g.: meter to AHU). Rather, meters measure the flow of physical media (gas, water, electrons) between entities.
- Meters do not feed each other, either. Meters are independently placed on the network. Their placement dictates where they sit in the submetering hierarchy with the other meters; they are not physically (directly) connected to each other.
- Meters should not be considered in-line with physical media pathways; i.e. a meter could be added or removed to the network and should not change the existing relationships between (non-meter) entities. e.g.: Adding a Thermal meter on an AHU should not change the brick:feeds relationship coming from the HHW/CHW plant/supply loop to the AHU. Rather the meter is simply measuring that flow/energy transfer and should be referenced as the addition it is.
- Electrical meters can record both an 'import' and an 'export' energy value. By having meters 'feed' each other (uni-directional) the nature of the bi-directional energy flow is obscured.
Proposed State
From a relationships persective, the important information that needs to be captured is:
- Submetering relationships: where does a meter sit relative to its peers (upstream, downstream).
- Load relationships: what non-meter entities are directly downstream being measured (generation, consumption sources).
Meter location: where a meter is located. Either as:
- brick:isPartOf a distribution board or some other container
- brick:hasLocation of a defined location in the model, if it is a stand-alone meter.
The following two additional relationships are proposed. It is noted that these do not quick fit into the existing relationship strategy well; the relationships are too specific to a particular scope and include equipment types in their definitions, however it is hoped that the intent of these relationships can be expanded on and added to Brick.
- brick:hasSubmeter / brick:isSubmeterOf
- brick:hasLoad / brick:isLoadOf
Main HVAC Equipment Relationships
The following diagram lays out at a high level the general set-up, intermediate entities, and standard relationships used when creating a typical building HVAC model. The core principles are as follows:
- Every line connection is a brick:feeds relationship unless otherwise indicated.
Entities contained within another part all have additional brick:isPartOf relationships to the container.
e.g.: Chiller brick:isPartOf Chilled Water System - All brick:System entities have both a leavingHeader and enteringHeader brick:WaterDistribution entity. These entities are a convention that provide a common entry and exit point from a system.
- brick:System entities generally have a supplyLoop and returnLoop brick:WaterDistribution entity. These entities are not part of the system. These entities serve to connect all downstream entities to the system and provide a convenient way to capture physical media flows around the building. Systems may have single loops (as shown), multiple primary loops, primary-secondary-tertiary loops, or some other combination. The loops always connect to the System entering and leaving headers.